Hieronder staat een overzicht, in omgekeerd chronologische volgorde, van mijn presentaties. Via kom je op de website van de conferentie/seminar en via zijn de slides te downloaden.
- Who is Number One? Top 40 Statistics
Festival der Verwondering
Groningen, The Netherlands, May 2024. Invited
- Statistics & Media
Communication between Physicists and Society Summer School
Groningen, The Netherlands, August 2024. Invited
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Statistics
Groningen PhD Day
Groningen, The Netherlands, February 2023
- Workshop Twitter and Mastodon
Faculty Communication Workshops
Groningen, The Netherlands, February 2023
- Essentieel Statistiekonderwijs
Symposium on statistics communication
Utrecht, The Netherlands, September 2023
- Coronastatistiek
Koninklijk Natuurkundig Genootschap
Groningen, The Netherlands, February 2022. Invited
- “Hoe investeren we het beste in de universiteiten?”
Samen Slimmer Café
Den Haag, The Netherlands, March 2022. Invited
- Social Media & Statistical Pitfalls
Tilburg PhD Day
Tilburg, The Netherlands, April 2022. Keynote
- Misleidende Statistieken en Grafieken
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, April 2022. Invited
- Good and bad statistical practices
Netherlands Cancer Institute Retreat
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, April 2022. Keynote
- Good and bad statistical practices
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie Spring Conference
Nijmegen, The Netherlands, May 2022. Invited
- De toekomst van het statistiekonderwijs
KNAW Avond: Wiskunde en statistiek in het voortgezet onderwijs
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2022. Invited
- De toekomst van het statistiekonderwijs
NVvW/SLO/Freudenthal Instituut: Onderwijs Meets Onderzoek
Utrecht, The Netherlands, June 2022. Keynote
- Peilingen, enquêtes, etc.: 75% van respondenten herkent er geen valkuilen in
De Volkskrant, redactie-overleg
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2022. Invited
- Depressie behandelen met statistiek
Gala van de Wetenschap: Wetenschap die Werkt
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2022
- Statistical Pitfalls
Association for Researchers in Psychology & Health
Groningen (online), The Netherlands, January 2021. Keynote
- Using social media as a scientist
YESS BSS Workshop
Groningen (online), The Netherlands, May 2021
- No title
IVO Science Communication Lunch
Maastricht (online), The Netherlands, May 2021
- De Toekomst van het Statistiekonderwijs
Tien jaar Platform Wiskunde Nederland
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2021. Keynote
- Statistical Pitfalls
ENTWINE Informal Care PhD-day
Groningen, The Netherlands, October 2021
- The Do’s and Don’ts of Statistical Communication: Statistical Sins
BCN Symposium Nothing but the Truth
Groningen, The Netherlands, November 2021
- Masterclass Data Visualisation
Graduate Research Day Psychology & Pedagogics, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, March 2020. Invited
- Looking at data: What the data can tell us
Data Science in Health BCN Webinar
Groningen (online), The Netherlands, October 2020. Invited
- Statistische Zonden: een overzicht van twijfelachtige onderzoekspraktijken (en hoe deze te herkennen)
KWG Wintersymposium
Utrecht, The Netherlands, January 2019. Invited
- Time to get personal? The impact of researchers’ choices in clinical person-centered analyses
International Convention of Psychological Science
Paris, France, March 2019
- Intensive Longitudinal Data Analysis in Practice - Possibilities and Limitations
8th Meeting of the Dutch Classification Society
Groningen, The Netherlands, April 2019. Keynote
- De Statistiek van Inclusiviteit
Nacht van de Kunst en Wetenschap
Groningen, The Netherlands, June 2019. Invited
- Masterclass Data Visualisation
Dutch Chemometrics Society Masterclasses
Utrecht, The Netherlands, November 2019. Invited
- Masterclass Data Visualisation
VvBN PhD Day 2019
Groningen, The Netherlands, November 2019. Invited
- What You Think You See
Studium Generale Science Dinner
Groningen, The Netherlands, December 2019. Invited
- Using psychological networks to understand behavioural aspects of energy use
Dutch Statistical Society (VVS-OR) Annual Meeting on Climate Change
Utrecht, Netherlands, March 2018. invited
- Changing individuals: modelling smooth and sudden changes in temporal dynamics of (V)AR-models
30th Annual Convention of the Association for Psychological Science
San Francisco, USA, May 2018
- A network-based approach to understanding the behavioural aspects of
energy use
Heymans Symposium: Research Worth Spreading
Groningen, The Netherlands, April 2018
- Statistiek (toeval en kansen)
De Jonge Onderzoekers
Groningen, The Netherlands, June 2018. Invited
- Statistical Sins
Skeptics in the Pub Groningen
Groningen, The Netherlands, October 2018. Invited
- Statistical Sins
Seminar Series Clinical and Psychosocial Epidemiology
Groningen, The Netherlands, November 2018. Invited
- Understanding the behavioural aspects of energy use - a network-based approach
Seminar Series Markets & Sustainability
Groningen, The Netherlands, December 2018. Invited
- Modelling smooth and sudden changes in temporal dynamics of (V)AR models
IMPS 2017
Zürich, Switzerland, July 2017
- Randomized Controlled Trials: Shortcomings and Alternatives
Development and Dissemination of iCBT for Youth
Leiden, The Netherlands, October 2017
- Comparison of Estimators for Single-Case and Multilevel AR(1) Models
IMPS2016: International Meeting of the Psychometric Society
Asheville, NC, USA, July 2016
- Bayesian VAR(1)-Modeling to Unravel Emotion Dynamics
COMPSTAT2016: The 22nd Conference on Computational Statistics
Oviedo, Spain, August 2016
- Bayesian VAR(1)-Modeling to Unravel Emotion Dynamics
2016 Conference on Complex Systems
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 2016. Invited
- Time Series Analysis in Psychology
Econometric Institute Seminar, Erasmus University
Rotterdam, The Netherlands, November 2016
- A comparative study of AR(1) estimators in short time series
IAP StUDyS Workshop
Leuven, Belgium, April 2015
- A Contribution to the Visualisation of Three-Way Arrays
TRICAP: Three-way Methods in Chemistry and Psychology, 7th Edition
Val di Zoldo, Italy, June 2015
- (Interactive) visualisation of three-way data
CLADAG2015: 10th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group
Pula, Italy, October 2015. Invited
- Dynamic Linear Models: The key to truly understanding psychological processes
Heymans Symposium
Groningen, The Netherlands, April 2014
- A contribution to the visualisation of three-way arrays
COMPSTAT2014: The 21st International Conference on Computational Statistics
Geneva, Switzerland, August 2014
- Handling missing data in non-Gaussian hierarchical Bayesian dynamic models
ECDA2014: European Conference on Data Analysis
Bremen, Germany, July 2014
- Kennissessie: Modelmatige analyse voor beleid op het Bindend Studieadvies (BSA) (Knowledge Session: Model-bases analyses for policy on the Binding Study Advice)
Proof: Truth, Hard Truth and Statistics. 18th Conference of the Dutch Association for Institutional Research
Baarn, The Netherlands, November 2014. Gave workshop, joint with Hans Beldhuis, Rutger Klein Nagelvoort and Taco de Wolff
- Recent advances in multivariate road traffic flow forecasting
2nd Labmeeting Time Series and Dynamical Models, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 2013
- Recent advances in multivariate dynamic road traffic forecasting
Statistics Seminar Series, Trinity College
Dublin, Ireland, May 2013
- Triadditive models for threeway tables
IFCS 2013: Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies
Tilburg, Netherlands, August 2013
- Assigning probabilities to null and interval hypotheses
8th World Congress in Probability and Statistics
Istanbul, Turkey, July 2012
- Canonical Analysis: Ranks, Ratios and Fits
COMPSTAT: 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics
Limassol, Cyprus, August 2012
- Between-Group Metrics and their use in canonical analysis
International Classification Conference
St. Andrews, Scotland, July 2011
- A General Approach to Missing Values Estimation in Procrustes Analysis
Gowerfest II: The Geometry of Data Analysis
Milton Keynes, England, July 2010. Invited
- A graphical dynamic approach to forecasting and monitoring road traffic flow networks
41st Annual UTSG Conference
London, England, January 2009. Co-presenter
- A graphical dynamic approach to forecasting and monitoring road traffic flow networks
Open University Conference on Traffic Modelling
Milton Keynes, England, March 2009. Conference co-organisor
- Missing values in general forms of Procrustes Analysis
International Meeting of the Psychometric Society
Cambridge, England, July 2009. Session organisor
- Forecasting traffic flows in road networks: A graphical dynamic model approach
28th International Symposium of Forecasters
Nice, France, June 2008
- A Bayesian graphical dynamic approach to forecasting and monitoring road traffic flow networks
Royal Statistical Society Annual Conference
Nottingham, England, September 2008
- Minimising Translated Quadratic Forms subject to Quadratic Constraints, with Applications to Missing Value Estimation in Procrustes Analysis
International Meeting of the Psychometric Society
Tokyo, Japan, July 2007. Invited
- Road traffic forecasting using dynamic models
Valencia/ISBA 8th World Meeting on Bayesian Statistics
Benidorm, Spain, June 2006. Poster presentation
- Foundational issues in statistical inference
Seminar International Institute for Geo-information Science
Enschede, Netherlands, January 2005
- SIMAGE: Simulating Microarray Gene Expressions
Seminar Roslin Institiute
Edinburgh, Scotland, February 2005
- SIMAGE: Simulating Microarray Gene Expressions
Seminar Bioinformatics Research Centre, University of Glasgow
Glasgow, Scotland, February 2005
- Simulating Microarray Expression Data
VVS Conference Statistics in Microarray Analysis
Groningen, Netherlands, March 2004. Invited
- Simulating Microarray Expression Data
Netherlands Conference on BioInformatics: Images of Life
Groningen, Netherlands, October 2004. Poster presentation
- Het twee-enveloppen probleem
Symposium on the occasion of prof. Schaafsma’s 65th birthday
Groningen, The Netherlands, January 2003
- Trying to resolve the two-envelope problem
Colloquium Probability, Statistics & Financial Mathematics, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 2003
- Estimating a density by adapting an initial guess
Stochastics Colloquium Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Bochum, Germany, November 2002
- Density estimation via an initial guess
10th Meeting of PhD-students in Stochastics
Hilversum, Netherlands, May 2002
- Dichtheidsschattingen van linksgecensureerde MWTL-data omtrent waterkwaliteit
Seminar Centre for Quantitative Methods
Eindhoven, Netherlands, April 2001
- Estimating a density by adapting an initial guess
12th European Young Statisticians Meeting
Jánska Dolina, Slovak Republic, September 2001. Invited